
Friday, February 22, 2013

Challenge #30 - Fruit/Vegetable

Hello and Welcome to another Brown Sugar Challenge!! 

This week our theme is: Fruit/Vegetable
QKR Stampede is happy to award the winner her choice of 5 digital stamps.

Here is some inspiration from our design team:

Winner: Red, White & Gray

We have our winners for Challenge # 29!

The random winner is: 
 15. SandraT 

 To claim your prize, please send an email to

Congrats to our Top 3 Winners

(in no particular order)

You can pick up your Top 3 Badge here.

Thanks everyone for playing along with us.  We hope to see you back for the next challenge.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Challenge # 29 - Red, White & Gray

Hello and Welcome to another Brown Sugar Challenge!! 
This week our theme is:  Red, White  & Gray
Bugaboo is happy to award the winner her choice of 7 digital stamps. 

 Here is  some inspiration from our design team:

Winner: Anything Goes

We have our winners for Challenge # 28!

The random winner is: 121. Kaija 

 To claim your prize, please send an email to

Congrats to our Top 3 Winners

(in no particular order)
You can pick up your Top 3 Badge here.

Thanks everyone for playing along with us.  We hope to see you back for the next challenge.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Follow Us On Facebook

One random person can win a $10.00 gift voucher to spend at Fine Arts by Robert Jackson.

 Winner: Sharon Sutton  please contact brownsugarchallenge at gmail .com by Feb. 22nd

All you have to do is:
  1. Become a follower of this blog
  2. Like our Facebook Page
  3. Add our Badge to you blog.
  4. Add a link to your blog below

Friday, February 8, 2013

Challenge # 28 - Anything Goes

Hello and Welcome to another Brown Sugar Challenge!! 

This week our theme is: Anything Goes

My Heart Pieces is happy to award the winner her choice of 2 digital stamps.

Here is  some inspiration from our design team: 


Winner: Go Red/Hearts

We have our winners for Challenge # 27!

The random winner is:
  34. Desire Fourie 

 To claim your prize, please send an email to

Congrats to our Top 3 Winners

(in no particular order)

You can pick up your Top 3 Badge here.

Thanks everyone for playing along with us.  We hope to see you back for the next challenge.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Challenge #27 - Go Red/Hearts

Hello and Welcome to another Brown Sugar Challenge!! 
Today is National Wear Red Day®

This week our theme is: Go Red/Hearts - Heart Disease

Digi Darla is happy to award the winner her choice of 5 digital stamps.

DigiDarla is the brain child of Kim Eskola and her daughter Emilea.
Emilea and I both enjoy creating and when the idea of creating digital stamps
came up, it sounded like the most wonderful way to earn ever! There was only one
problem! We are both shy and dislike the center of attention! As a way of "hiding
behind the scenes" and avoiding having one spokeswoman, DigiDarla was born!
Working with Emilea on this project has been a wonderful blessing and has
stretched both of us. Emilea is a busy teen with her passion for art and training our
2 horses, piano and violin lessons, and squeezing in high school classes somewhere
in between! She is also the oldest daughter in a family of 11!

Thank you to all who participated in our last challenge! We had a lot of great entries. If you are uploading your project to an online gallery, please use keyword BSCB-27 (eg. splitcoaststampers, paper craft planet, etc.)

Here is  some inspiration from our talented design team: 

Scissors Thread Button

Bee Mine Mouse

Haleys Hat

Very Vogue

Rabbit Love Balloons

Blowing Dandelions